LSTA Funding In RI (2018)

[March 27, 2019] The President's 2020 Budget Blueprint to Congress proposed eliminating the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). IMLS is the federal agency that administers the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), which provides critical funding to the Rhode Island Office of Library and Information Services. Since the release of the federal budget proposal, the Office of Library and Information Services (OLIS) has received a number of questions regarding how the elimination of LSTA funding would impact Rhode Island libraries.

LSTA funding administered by the IMLS has a substantial role in enabling OLIS to provide services and support to Rhode Island's libraries; elimination of this funding would thus substantially impact Rhode Island libraries. OLIS is funded by the State of Rhode Island and LSTA funds. In federal fiscal year 2018 (Oct. 1, 2017- Sept. 30, 2018), the last year for which full data is available, the State provided 54.2% ($1,266,472) of OLIS' operating budget while the IMLS provided 45.8% ($1,070,238). In addition, the State of Rhode Island provided $11.5 million in direct aid to Rhode Island cities and towns for library services, which are administered by OLIS.

Office of Library & Information Services Budget 2018
State Funds $1,266,472
Federal LSTA Funds (through IMLS) $1,070,238
OLIS Total Operating Budget 2018 (federal fiscal year) $2,336,710
State Aid to Libraries 2018
Grant-in-aid to Cities and Towns, Public Library Services $8,598,411
Grant-in-aid to Institutional Libraries $62,609
Statewide Reference Resource Center (AskRI)* $701,052
Public Library Construction Reimbursement $2,161,627
Total State Aid to Libraries (state fiscal year) $11,523,699

LSTA funding supports statewide programs provided to libraries and Rhode Islanders by OLIS, along with the personnel who coordinate those programs. Most programs are a mix of federal and state funds, with some programs funded predominately by the state (state aid, AskRI, LORI delivery) while others are funded primarily with federal funds (Talking Books Library, summer reading, youth services). All programs offered by OLIS would be impacted by any reduction in LSTA funding, though some to a greater extent than others.

LSTA Funding in Rhode Island - Additional Resources